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Scope & Standards of Practice for Professional Ambulatory Care Nursing, 10th Edition, 2023

Scope & Standards of Practice for Professional Ambulatory Care Nursing, 10th Edition, 2023

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Quick Overview:
This newly released publication is an updated scope of practice statement and 17 revised standards for the clinical and administrative professional practice of ambulatory care registered nurses (RNs) ...

$64.00 - Scope & Standards of Practice for Professional Ambulatory Care Nursing, 10th Edition, 2023

$49.00 - Scope & Standards of Practice for Professional Ambulatory Care Nursing, 10th Edition, 2023 (Member Price Limit 1-5 copies)

Number of pages:55
Edition: 10th
Year published:2023

Scope and Standards of Practice of Professional Ambulatory Care Nursing, 10th Edition


By: Edtrina Moss, PhD, RN, AMB-BC, NE-BC, CLSSGB; Cynthia L. Murray BN, RN, AMB-BC; Dawn Vonderheide, DNP, MSN, RN, AMB-BC, NE-BC

Year Published: 2023

This newly released publication is an updated scope of practice statement and 17 revised standards for the clinical and administrative professional practice of ambulatory care registered nurses (RNs). The standards promote effective clinical and administrative management of increasingly complex ambulatory care RN roles and responsibilities in a changing health care environment.

The 10th edition of the Scope and Standards of Practice for Professional Ambulatory Care Nursing contains some significant revisions from previous versions. In addition to the revised scope of practice, this publication contains 17 standards. The first six standards address the phases of the nursing process; the last 11 standards address professional performance.

These changes offer clarification and specificity for the distinct domains of clinical and administrative nursing practice in ambulatory care settings.

Value to Your Practice:

·        Promotes effective clinical and administrative management of increasingly complex ambulatory care RN roles and responsibilities in a changing health care environment.

·        Provides structure to ambulatory care nursing practice and performance outcomes.

·        Assists the development and standardization of ambulatory care nurses.

Who Should Purchase:

·        Professional registered nurses (RNs) practicing in roles spanning from staff, manager, administrator, and executive.

·        RNs practicing in ambulatory care and various outpatient settings.

·        Ambulatory care nurses who have been practicing for a long time who would like to refresh their knowledge.

·        Ambulatory care nurses who have recently entered their role.

What's Inside:

·        An updated scope of practice statement.

·        17 revised standards for the clinical and administrative professional practice of ambulatory care RNs.

·        The first six standards address the phases of the nursing process; the last 11 standards address professional performance.

·        Each standard contains three sections: 

1. A statement of the standard addressed.

2. Measurement criteria that may be used for demonstrating competency for meeting the standard.

3. Additional standard statements and measurement criteria for nurse executives, administrators, and managers.

·        Glossary

·        References

·        Additional reading recommendations


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